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President Lyndon B. Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson


President Lyndon B. Johnson assumed the highest office in the nation upon the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November 1963 and served until January 1969. He pushed through domestic legislation that President Kennedy may not have been able to get enacted in part because Johnson was the former powerful and effective leader of the United States Senate. He was able to get Congress to pass landmark legislation furthering civil rights for all Americans for which he is justly honored. His "Great Society" legislation has gotten less positive marks in its attempt to to eliminate poverty through FDR-style big government by spending billions upon billions of dollars. But his greatest challenge was the military involvement in Vietnam inherited from President Kennedy which he greatly expanded. He tried his best to continue the decades long struggle against Communism but he may have chosen the wrong place and time. The opposition to the war within his own party caused him not to seek reelection in 1968.

Below are some items official letters from Johnson or his wife Lady Bird Johnson and other memorabilia of Lyndon Johnson. Johnson was a prolific user of secretaries and autopens to sign his letters and cards so great caution must be taken in assessing his signed material (See, e.g., Appendix D to "From the President's Desk" which gives examples). In most cases a close-up view of the signature is provided to assist in making judgments. The price assigned will in most cases indicate our judgment about the authenticity of the signature and the historic value of the item.

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Johnson In First Term in Elected Public Office
In 1939 Shows He's The Master Politician


1957 Letter As Leader of Senate to Robert Six President of Continental Airlines
 and Husband of Audrey Meadows (Alice Kramden of "Honeymooners" Fame


1959 Letter as Majority Leader To Hospitalized Senate
Democrat Joseph O'Mahoney, Signed "Lyndon"


1960 Letter to Fellow Texan Year Johnson Elected Vice President


1960 Lyndon Johnson Senate Chamber Gallery Pass


Signed 1964 World's Fair Speech and First Day Stamp


Lady Bird Johnson Signed LBJ Ranch Card


President Johnson Signed White House Card