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President Theodore Roosevelt and First Lady Edith Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt is one of America's favorite Presidents, his exuberance and love of life combined with his mix of progressive and traditional politics makes him a favorite of people from a wide spectrum of political beliefs. He is the first "environmental" President and an enthusiastic hunter; a storied corporate "trust buster" and an establishment Republican; the only American President to have won the Nobel Peace Prize who "carried a big stick" and used military force to help seize Panama from Columbia; and he was a firm believer in assimilation of immigrants and strongly opposed hyphenated Americans.

Below is our inventory of his autographs and one of his wife Edith Roosevelt and links to other Theodore Roosevelt memorabilia on this web site.

1906 White House Letter on "stork business" refers to birth of famous conservative publisher of Manchester Union Leader, William Loeb III! President Roosevelt had recently become the younger Loeb's godfather when he wrote this letter.

Enthusiastic June 1916 Letter From Oyster Bay to fellow African adventurer and WWI Allies supporter


First Lady Edith Roosevelt Free Franked Envelope to Oyster Bay Neighbor

Political and Historical Memorabilia

Theodore Roosevelt Dramatic Rough Rider on Horse