Title: Join The Air Service and Serve in France
Comments: One of the best and most scarce World War One
posters, this poster recruits for the Army Air Service, the precursor to
the United States Air Force, and does so in dramatic fashion with a
biplane shown with its pilot in an open air cockpit and two spotters, one
looking through binoculars. The poster is signed and dated by the
artist J. Paul Verrees. A very scarce fine and scarce poster.
Pictured below the poster is the damaged paste on sticker for the
local recruiting station (New York City) which was removed when the
poster was placed on linen.
Artist: J. Paul Verrees
Size: 25" x 37"
Date: 1917
Condition: Mounted on linen with great colors. Has had some
restoration work done to the top of the poster and displays magnificently.
Price: $1,600/SOLD